Video HD. Audio stereo. 02:55 min.
Audio: Gerardo Manns

The video Postcard is an investigation into a specific moment of Santiago’s downtown [Chile], the hours of dawn and sunrise on Sundays. In the video, the city can be seen when is on stand-by mode, making an analogy between the city and a device. Santiago’s downtown, overflowing in activity during the day, at this time becomes an inhospitable stage.

The residual architecture from utilitarian spaces it’s the main element in the images, the residual audio from electric distorted guitars sets the ambience for this desolated scenarios. There’s a dialog with the established aestheticization of image production, showing here the counter part of the official image that is exportable from any city for touristic promotion.

This architecture that becomes visual pollution, it’s treated in post-production in a way that dark colours are the main elements, the result is the visualisation of floating fragments from the city.